hiker above clouds on mount kilimanjaro

Sweat. Aches. Pains. Dust. Cold. Fatigue. Is climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro even worth it?

Ask any Thomson trekker who’s stood on the Roof of Africa: they’ll answer with a resounding, “YES, ABSOLUTELY!”

For many, Kili was the first in a lifetime of adventures. It was the triumph that revealed their inner strength. It was one of life’s greatest victories.

“I was so overloaded with adrenaline at the summit that it was like an out-of-body experience. An event so surreal that it didn’t register until well after coming down the mountain.”
– Lisa Garruzzo, Thomson trekker

With Thomson’s 98% summit success rate, it’s no wonder trekkers descend from Kilimanjaro feeling renewed, invigorated and inspired. Here are six ways climbing Kilimanjaro can transform your life.


1. Your Confidence Climbs with Every Step

trekkers ascending to kibo peak

Trekking Kilimanjaro might be the toughest thing you ever do. The mountain will push you. It will demand more from you every day. Yet with Thomson’s guides, porters and your fellow trekkers by your side, you’ll never walk alone.

Each challenge you overcome on Kili will strengthen your confidence. You’ll learn that positivity and persistence will carry you long after your feet have grown weary. This forward-facing attitude will stick with you longer after you’ve left the mountain–and it’ll keep you looking forward to the challenges to come.

“Summit morning gave me confidence in myself that no other experience could have given me. I gained confidence as an adult, as a mom, as a wife, as a colleague, you name it. When you accomplish something as big as Kili, you know other challenges pale in comparison.”
Ali Riley, Thomson Staffer


2. Training Unleashes Your Inner Athlete

happy trekker with her guide on mount kilimanjaro

Training for Kilimanjaro isn’t just about the climb; it can also be a springboard into a healthier lifestyle. Your focus on muscular and cardiovascular fitness automatically translates into a sharper mind and stronger body.

Also, you’ll learn to find the right balance of sleep, nutrition and activity. Being able to maintain even some of these components of your training regimen will give you the tools you need to live a healthier life.

“Kili leaves me with many cherished memories, a significant physical accomplishment and a new-found understanding of mental and physical stamina.”
– Ken Hosch, Thomson trekker

“It didn’t happen overnight or even quickly, but during my Kili training, I dramatically improved my lifestyle. More focused on health, fitness and mental wellness.”
– Eric Hankinson, Thomson trekker

Not sure how to start training? Thomson’s partner Fit For Trips can help. They’ll work with you to design a training program for your specific needs and itinerary. Thomson trekkers receive a 25% discount!


3. You’ll Forge Lifelong Bonds

thomsonsafaris kilimanjaro porters and guides

You’ll share laughter, breathtaking views and a sense of victory with your fellow trekkers, forging bonds that last forever–just ask Thomson staffer Ali Riley. Her trekking group has stayed in touch for over ten years after their trek!

It’s not just the trekkers you’ll remember forever–our guests often say their guides and porters were the sleeper hit of the adventure. These compassionate, graceful, humble and attentive leaders will walk by your side from the first step to the last, telling stories of their lives and careers on the mountain, teaching you Swahili and taking time to learn about you, too.

They’re nothing short of inspirational, with a knack for helping trekkers find strength within themselves they never knew they had.

“Words cannot adequately express the gratitude I feel. I’ve never thought about how scaling earth’s most magnificent features could have such a profound effect on the way I view humanity and the importance of connection–connection to our inner selves and each other.”
Lisa Garruzzo, Thomson trekker


4. See Otherworldly Beauty

glaciers in morning hours on mount kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is more than a mountain–it’s a world unto itself. With five distinct climate zones, you’ll traverse lush rainforests, lunar-like ash fields, a glacial summit and more. It’s like climbing from the equator to the North Pole–all within a single trek.

There’s nothing on earth quite like these views!


5. Kili Can Be a New Beginning

high altitude trekking near summit of kilimanjaro

There’s a magic to Mt. Kilimanjaro. A sublime cocktail of strife, triumph and renewal. For some, that magic offers the chance to rewrite their life story.

Take Thomson trekker Peter Matthews: after recovering from a life-saving organ transplant, he set his sights on Kilimanjaro’s summit.

“If you have a big challenge, decide that you’re going to do it and never, ever, quit on it. If a 68-year-old grandfather with a newly transplanted liver can do it, anyone can.”
– Peter Matthews, Thomson trekker

Wherever you are in life, Kili is a chance to break free from the distractions and the noise. It’s a chance to mark your passage into a new future with a sense of accomplishment and power.


6. Kili Is An Adventure Like No Other

organ recipient at the summit of mount kilimanjaro

For most, Kilimanjaro is a distant dream. It’s too far, too difficult, too uncertain. This means your trek is a badge of honor special to you–few others will ever experience the magic of this mountain and its people. Not to mention, trekking comes with plenty of bragging rights!

“When something difficult comes up, I remember that I did this trip and accomplished my goal; so I can persevere at anything. I still love throwing it into conversation when people start to doubt me – Excuse me, I climbed Kilimanjaro; trust me, this isn’t so bad.”
– Christine Jacobs, Thomson trekker


Ready to embark on the climb of your life?
Get in touch and we’ll help you get to the Roof of Africa!