Photo Credit: Phil Chester
We are so proud of challenged athletes, Erica and Tara, and their crew from the C.H.E.K Institute! As promised, we have some photos to share with you from their inspiring trek. Derek, the team coordinator, adds a final reflection: “A couple quick thoughts on what we just did. First and foremost which sticks out in many of our minds is something that will never be able to be taken away from Erica or even us, the first female paraplegic on the summit of Kilimanjaro. I have written it many times or said it but the faces of those coming down, absolutely defeated in exhaustion, seeing us going up, was absolutely priceless. Most people just stopped and starred and were like “how in the hell or why in the hell are you doing that”. Well the truth is, why not. Erica was great and never got mad or down, and neither did Tara for that matter. Both girls gritted their teeth, and kept climbing. But both of those girls were going to make that summit. And they did. It was freezing, high and just absolutely exhausting, but they did it.”
Check out some photos from the inspiring trek!

Photo Credits: Phil Chester